Mix and Match Mastery with Scatter Cushions Combinations– Big Bertha Original UK
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Mix and Match Mastery with Scatter Cushions Combinations

Mix and Match Mastery with Scatter Cushions Combinations
Mar 26, 2024

Scatter cushions can add a lot to a room. Comfort, colour, depth, and interest, can all come from simple cushions. And with changeable covers, they provide an easy and cost-effective way to change up a room. Whether for seasonal interest, special occasions, or simply because you feel like something new. But if you’re looking for an interesting, appealing, and professional aesthetic, the trick is to mix and match.

How to Mix and Match Scatter Cushions

Anyone can mix and match scatter cushions. But not everyone can make matches that look good. Sometimes, mixing and matching can create a jumble of clashes that simply aren’t appealing to the eye. So, if you want to get it right, you need to think about five key factors. And work to the rule of three.


Mixing colours can make a room look so much more interesting and attractive. But there needs to be a limit. In most cases, choosing three colours can be a great place to start. You might go for pastels – perhaps pink, blue, and mink. Or prefer something richer and earthier, such as gold, brown, and green. But whatever colours you choose, they should coordinate with each other, and the seat you are placing them on. And, ideally be inspired by the rest of the room.



Once you’ve selected your colour palette, you can move on to patterns. Introducing different patterned scatter cushions can bring depth to your design. So, if you’ve selected pink as one of your primary colours, you might accent it with a pink princess print, for example. And choose other patterns that reflect your other chosen colours. Just make sure that the patterns are not competing for attention, with a ratio of two plain cushions for every one patterned.



You can select cushions all the same shape if you wish. But in most cases, that won’t make the most of your space. Instead, try three different shapes. Most people will start with extra large square cushions for the back or the sides of a seat. These will then be added to with either a smaller square cushion, or a circular design. And finished with either a rectangular or bolster cushion. The different shapes can be comfortable for different uses. They also create a more interesting aesthetic.



Following on from above, as well as having different shaped cushions, it helps to think about sizes. Again, three sizes strikes the perfect balance, adding depth by bringing different levels to your seating or beds.



Lastly, by using different textured cushions, you not only add visual interest, but tactility to your design. So, may be start with wool or cotton, and add in velvet, boucle, or faux fur. Just don’t forget your colourway as you’re making your choices. Scatter cushions can add a whole range of elements to a room, as well as being a useful feature. But if you want to get the aesthetic right, it’s a good idea to stick to the rules, and to always focus on threes.

Check out the full collection of Big Bertha scatter cushions for more inspiration.