The Top Three Reasons for Buying a Bean Bag Sofa– Big Bertha Original UK
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The Top Three Reasons for Buying a Bean Bag Sofa

The Top Three Reasons for Buying a Bean Bag Sofa
Mar 08, 2023

There’s no denying that bean bags are making a comeback. For years, they were relegated to kid’s rooms and student digs. Fun, but not always the most practical seating solution. But in the last few years, bean bag furniture has undergone a transformation. New shapes, sizes, and designs have been produced. Meaning that bean bags are no longer simply floppy sacks; they have structure and style. And the prospect of swapping your traditional sofa for a bean bag sofa could be very much worth considering. Here’s why.

Three Reasons to Choose a Bean Bag Sofa

The comfort factor

Josephine bean bag sofa

The enduring appeal of any bean bag is its ability to mould to the shape of your body. And the reason this is so attractive is because it supports your body in a way that no other furniture can. So, whether you’re sitting upright or bonelessly sprawling, on a sofa like the Josephine, no part of your body is left unsupported. The beans manoeuvre into the spaces that may otherwise leave your muscles strained. The dip where your skull joins your neck. The small of your back. All of the places that standard seating leaves hanging. Providing the ultimate seating comfort.


Huge bean bag sofa

Huge bean bag sofa

Whether you choose a Huge double bean bag sofa, a three-seater Albert sofa,  or a little Bubble sofa for the kids, bean bag sofas are just about the most versatile and easily moved piece of furniture you will ever own. They can be used as sociable, family seating. Or you can reconfigure them into a glorious cocoon for one. And you can move them wherever and whenever you like with zero effort. Because the lightweight filling means that bean bags are designed to be moved wherever you need them. That’s why so many people choose outdoor bean bag sofas for their conservatory – they can easily be moved in or out depending on the weather.

Cost efficiency

Bubble bean bag sofa

A two-seater sofa with matching foot stool, like the Lounge Pug Bubble can be purchased for around £250. It’s not loose change. But neither is it the £600+ you’d pay for a typical two-seater traditional fabric sofa. Or the £900+ you’d pay for a leather alternative. So, you’re getting extra comfort, and extra flexibility, for a lower price. Bean bag sofas come in a range of fabrics, from cord and wool to distressed leather and faux fur. They look good and provide a talking point. And they will last for years. But more than almost anything else, they are extremely good value for money.

Bean bag sofas can seem like a bit of a novelty. But once you’ve tried one, we promise that you’ll never want to go back to the rigid, unsupportive sofa you’ve probably had up until now.

Check out the full Big Bertha Original bean bag sofa collection.   

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